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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good Morning..As the Sun Wakes You Up

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Top 15 Interview Questions

Top 15 Interview Questions

How To Study Well?..Tips

How to Crack a Job Interview...Tips

How to Crack a Job Interview...Tips

TIPS - How To Crack Entrance Exams?

Diploma in Chinese Language

Diploma in Chinese Language

Indira Gandhi National Open University (Ignou) has launched a diploma programme in Chinese language and culture.

Indira Gandhi National Open University’s (Ignou) School of Foreign Languages (SOFL) has launched a Diploma in Chinese Language and Culture (DCLC). In the coming session, the programme will be conducted face-to-face for students who want to add to their skills and enhance professional prospects.

“We have introduced this programme for students who are interested in knowing more about China. The country is our biggest trade partner. To get rid of misconceptions and to be able to understand their language, culture and business, we are introducing this course and hope to impart a holistic understanding of China,” says G Chaudhari, director, SOFL, Ignou.

The one-year programme will be taught in an online virtual classroom as well, in a modular format. Also it will introduce students to China’s political system, economy, foreign policy, HR and general knowledge of the country. Talking about faculty members, Chaudhari says, “Four faculty members including one Chinese faculty member will be conducting the classes. As and when required, we will invite guest lecturers too.” Around 25 seats are available for the course, which will be taught in three languages: Mandarin Chinese, English and Hindi. After students complete their diploma, they will be provided with training, which could range from months to a year, based on their area of interest and the subject they want to specialise in. “Towards the end of the course, students will be sent to China for training based on their performance. We have signed an MoU with three universities in China and will be sending our students. If students want to visit China to get a feel of the place, Ignou will arrange for the trip, though a part of the cost has to be borne by the students as well,” says Chaudhari.

In terms of job opportunities, Chaudhari is of the opinion that students can get into a range of areas depending on their background. “Anyone who is fluent in the language, has the scope to be employed in the hospitality sector, tourism or in science, both, in India and in China,” assures Chaudhari.

Students applying for this programme should have a certificate of learning Chinese. Admission is based on a first-come first-serve basis with a maximum of 25 seats for the face-to-face mode.


25 seats are available for the course, which will be taught in three languages: Mandarin Chinese, English and Hindi Towards the end of the course, students, based on their performance, will be sent to China for training

Changes in GRE Exam from 1st August 2011

Changes in GRE Exam from 1st August 2011

The new format of the exam from 1st August 2011

   The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is one of the most important standardised tests that international students applying to American universities need to take. The reasons are simple: GRE scores are used by admissions officers to compare students from a large range of educational backgrounds on a common metric; the scores are also useful for assessing whether students can be given scholarships and various kinds of financial aid. Since the format of the GRE is changing on August 1, 2011, let’s take a closer look at the changes: 

New GRE computer-based test will no longer prevent students from surveying the entire section of a test. Students are now allowed to examine, mark, review and tag questions. This will allow students to decide the sequence of questions needed to optimise the score. Students can also edit answers as long as they stay within each section of the test. In the mathematical ability testing section, an onscreen calculator will be provided, and students can put in numeric entries on the screen itself. Overall, it will be more user-centric and user-friendly. 
New GRE computerbased test will allow students to survey the entire section Greater focus on vocabulary as it is used Verbal and quantitative reasoning sections will be scored on a 130-170 scale, with 1 point increments 

In the verbal section, students can highlight sentences in a passage testing reading comprehension. This is helpful to enable closer focus on a key idea in that passage. A very important change is that the emphasis of the new GRE will be on vocabulary as it is used rather than the usage of vocabulary in isolation.
   So students don’t need to stress out on memorising long vocabulary lists: rather than memorising, a better sense of the appropriate usage of a word in context will now be tested — skills that will matter in the real world of work and graduate studies in the US — and other parts of the world.
   The new text completion section will test the ability to assess and make inferences based on what students have read in a passage. Given a reduced emphasis on individual vocabulary, students will need to interpret and evaluate the larger grain of what an author is trying to argue, so focusing on the meaning of the entire sentence rather than individual words will be tested. These are skill-sets that the ETS seeks to test. In particular, this move will ensure the relevance of GRE for those going for studies at the postgraduate level and even for MBA programmes or business studies. 

This is a significant change in the GRE that merits attention. Unlike the existing 200-800 scale with 10 point increments, both the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections will be scored on a 130-170 scale, with 1 point increments. What does this mean? Basically what this change indicates is a more finegrained differentiation between candidates.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

E & C Counselling in Crime Reporting, Forensic Science, Wild Photography and Career Option after B. Com


How can I become a crime reporter? Does any college offer a course specifically in crime reporting?

Crime reporting is a serious and often dangerous beat to work in. And in some cases even fatal. The recent case of crime reporter Jyotirmoy Dey, who was shot dead in broad daylight, is a case in point. While covering high-profile and headline grabbing crimes that capture the nation’s attention (Nithari murders, Aarushi Talwar, Maria Susairaj) may seem quite exciting, you need to be prepared to come face-to-face with the seamier side of society — rapists, murderers, robbers, arsonists, terrorists, etc. You should be well versed with legal and police procedures; have nerves of steel and not panic easily.

Be prepared for many visits to police stations, courts and even jails. Command over the language (both vernacular and English) and an ability to get people to like you instantly and confide in you will stand you in good stead. You’ll spend considerable time in the field collecting crime stories, tracking down leads and cultivating contacts. All the while, you will have to meet strict deadlines to file your stories like all journalists and yet get the story and the facts right. It is not an easy task when the information is not easy to come by and is often conflicting or contradictory.

There is a lot of competition among journalists to be first to break a story, to get an exclusive, to lay their hands on information even before investigation agencies have it. It’s an action-packed life, where you need to have your wits about you. You must take care and not let your personal views and beliefs affect your reporting. There are no special courses for crime reporting. Crime is one of several beats that you could be assigned to while working in a news organisation. Look to pursue a solid journalism course at either the undergraduate or postgraduate level. Do keep in mind the smaller newspapers and channels that focus far more on reporting local news and happenings are great learning grounds to pick up the ropes — you’ll get to cut your teeth and make contacts, which will prove handy later. With experience and plenty of bylines under your belt, you can then look to move to larger outfits and cover bigger ‘breaking news’ and the latest shocking and sensational stories.


What is the scope of forensic sciences in India?

Forensic sciences cover forensic investigation of the crime scene, forensic photography,
forensic toxicology, forensic serology, fingerprint analysis, criminal profiling, drug detection, lie detection, firearm identification, cyber-crime, etc. Forensic work is laborious, painstaking and the results aren’t available instantly. Don’t be taken in by slick serials on the telly like CSI.

While forensic evidence is crucial to solving crimes, our law enforcement agencies are years behind their counterparts in West when it comes to the access to sophisticated forensic tools, training and evidence collection. There exists several specialisations within the field of forensics sciences — medical, criminology, toxicology, fingerprint & DNA analysis. Cyber & digital forensics, forensic accounting are the relatively newer areas in this field. Typically, you will be working with law enforcement and legal/government bodies, as most of the work is related to police and legal matters. Thus the government sector is the largest employer in this field. A few private labs and facilities in the area of chemical analysis and DNA profiling and digital forensics exist, with scope for several more. Forensic medicine requires you to first complete your MBBS followed by MD

specialising in forensics. As a coroner or medical examiner you will conduct post-mortems or examination of dead bodies to determine the approximate time and likely cause of death.

Criminology involves the study of criminals and the crimes they commit to detect patterns, prepare psychological profiles to aid in predicting their motives and behaviour. A course in criminal science or even a basic psychology degree with a specialisation in clinical or forensic psychology is usually sufficient. Other areas of forensics such as toxicology, firearm detection, fingerprint analysis and crime scene analysis involve collecting and analysing evidence from a crime scene and analysing them for critical clues and evidence. A course in forensic science is essential to enter this area. Very few universities offer BSc criminology or forensics at UG level — Delhi University, University of Madras, University of Mysore, Karnatak University being the few exceptions. However, at PG level a large number of universities offer diploma and degree courses in criminology & forensic science.

You can pursue forensic science at the MSc level after completing your BSc or BPharm or MBBS. If you’re not a science student you can look at options such as cyber/digital forensics and forensic accounting. Increasingly, forensics is being used to solve civil cases and even white collar crimes (cyber crimes, financial fraud).

I want to pursue a course in wildlife photography and want to know whether I can have a secure job as a wildlife photographer?
Deepak Saha

Exciting? Yes. Adventurous? Yes. Secure? No. Wildlife photography is ideally suited for someone who thrives on adventure, has an impeccable sense of composition, colour and can capture images that speak a thousand words. It’s a profession based on passion of photography & the outdoors. You must love wildlife, animals, be curious about nature. However, establishing yourself as a professional wildlife photographer is no cakewalk, which is why, many talented photographers remain amateurs.

The climb can be hard and long, and the financial returns, not very satisfactory in the beginning. Only those with tenacity and a neversay-die attitude coupled with a real passion stick on and go on to become celebrity shutterbugs. Apart from learning photography, you should also study and learn about wildlife, their habitats, ecology, etc.

Read books, attend short-term programmes from World Wildlife Federation or Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun or Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History if you are interested in birds. Be prepared to lug heavy equipment, which incidentally does not come cheap. Depending on your assignment it may take three or four days or even a year or more. You need oodles of patience for that perfect moment and quicksilver reflexes not to miss it as unlike models in a fashion shoot, animals and nature wait for no man. Since few fullfledged courses are available in this field, it would be a good idea to work with an established photographer as an understudy before starting out on your own. Although most of the known names in photography are selftaught, change is in the air. A number of photography schools have mushroomed all over the country. Here are some institutes that you could check:Camera Art Institute, New Delhi, Film & Television Institute of India, Pune (, India International Photographic Council, New Delhi, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (, JJ Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, Light & Life Academy, Ooty ( ), National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, (, Asian Academy of Film & Television, Noida (; Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi.

What are my career options if I pursue MCom instead of MBA after completing BCom?
While an MBA is a professional, joboriented PG programme, a Master’s degree in commerce or MCom is an academic & theoretical in its content and approach. After completing your MCom, the main avenues open to you those in teaching, accounting & audit, finance and banking. By adding a BEd to your MCom you are eligible to teach at the +2 level. Once you clear the NET exam, you can even teach in colleges and universities. MCom graduates can find suitable employment in financial research and analysis, taxation, stock market, insurance & financial planning and advisory, banking, financial services sales/executives with all kinds of product and service providers. Also, jobs in accounting, financial processing and documentation as well as in KPOs. You can sit for the general competitive entrance exams such as the civil services, state selection commission of each state. Your MCom qualification also allows you to appear for the selection exams of the income tax, customs and excise departments, comptroller & auditor general and bank probationary officers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Education USA: advice to student's on code of conduct to follow in foriegn campus.

In the fall of every year, Indian students wing their way in all directions, seeking educational opportunities. The cross-cultural experience can be fraught with landmines. Students who wish to study in foreign countries need to understand and appreciate the differences in culture and academic systems, so that their educational and living experience is pleasant and enjoyable. 


Intellectual honesty is imperative. The case of Kaavya Vishwanathan, the teenage author of How Opal Mehta got kissed, got wild, and got a life comes to mind. With allegations about plagiarism soon after publication of the book, the unfortunate Indian-American at Harvard University became famous for ‘How Kaavya Viswanathan got rich, got caught, and got ruined.’

Questions and a curious mind are the hallmarks of an intelligent person, so shed your inhibitions and do not be afraid to ask ‘stupid questions.’

Foreign institutions believe in a wellrounded educational experience, and campuses abroad offer opportunities for personal enrichment and enhancement, so students should make the time to explore and benefit from the opportunities outside of the classroom.

Faculty members and officials at most educational institutions tend to be relatively more informal and relaxed than in India — in fact, several of them ask students to address them by name. Students should not construe this as licence to be familiar with faculty.


Students are admitted to foreign countries on specified student visas. Students should be careful with their legal status and make sure there is no violation of their status.

Apply for CPT/OPT well in advance. Students should attend orientation programmes for foreign students and familiarise themselves with the procedures for employment.

Most foreign campuses are safe and are equipped to deal with eventualities. However, whenever students step outside their campuses, they should take all precautions to ensure their safety and well-being.

Students in foreign lands should not feel reticent about lodging complaints in cases of harassment, molestation or discrimination. However, they should be able to differentiate between harmless fun and serious offences. The Indian government has consular offices in most of the countries where students go for higher education. It is worth the effort to register with the foreign mission office and keep the phone numbers of the local Indian consular office handy. This website provides country-wise information:


Students should learn to respect the private space of their peers and classmates — for example, while it is acceptable in India to ask a new acquaintance about exam scores, scholarship amounts, such questions are considered inappropriate abroad. Speaking and laughing loudly or poking fun at other people is incorrect.

Most Indians eat with their fingers — nothing wrong with that — but they have to adapt and be adept at using cutlery. Making negative comments about the local food and eating habits is inappropriate. Students should try and blend in with the rest of the community, including in appearance. Ethnic clothes and jewellery should be reserved for special occasions. Students should be wary of trying alcohol. Drugs and online-gaming are to be strictly avoided.

Students should stay focused on their mission and should not get derailed by romantic involvements. Remember that young people in many foreign countries don’t marry the first person they get romantically attracted to — even if they are ‘going steady.’

  • Carry all transcripts and certificates, medical records, electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCOE) /letter of acceptance from university
  • Avoid arriving on a weekend as university and student offices are closed and there will be no assistance
  • Be mentally prepared to do all your work by yourself
  • Carry a traveller’s cheque and avoid carrying too much cash
  • Attend your college orientation session and remember there is nothing like a ‘stupid question’

Sunil Sharma

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Courses offered by Private Universities in Jaipur



   The educational scenario in the state of Rajasthan has undergone a sea-change in the last decade. Getting admission into government-funded colleges and universities used to be the only way for aspiring students but today the choice is vast. With private universities entering the market, students have been given an alternative path to higher education. Jaipur itself has around nine private universities. 

   Also, these universities are offering off-beat courses providing more opportunity for students to opt for a subject of their choice. “While earlier, we only thought of going for a history, political science or zoology or English, now there is a vast array of subjects to choose from,” says Avantika Chabbra, a first year student, “I was an arts student but I wasn’t interested in going for a simple BA. I was always interested in astrology, so I opted for a course in Vedic astrology. It is interesting and in future I can start my own business of reading and making astrological charts.” 

   From courses in animation, mass communication, fashion technology, languages, literature and society, law and governance, social work, pharmaceutical, communication and signal processing, clinical research to business law, these universities offer a plethora of choices for students. 

   And for those looking to make the most of their three-year degree course, there is also an opportunity to go for an integrated dual course like BTech and MTech or a BTech combined with an MBA. “I have opted to do my BTech along with MBA, since I wanted to do an MBA anyway after the completion of my degree,” says Naveen Kothari. 

   These courses offer students a better chance to get employed soon after they complete the course. “Most students aim to get a good job soon after their studies are completed. And these universities with the courses they offer, help students to achieve their goal,” says Kiran Bharti, an educationist, “Many of my students have started their own business after doing a course in physiotherapy and astrology and are happy with what they are doing.” 

   Says Sandeep Bakshi, chancellor of Jaipur National University, “Private universities have been instrumental in the introduction of innovative, integrated and dual degree programmes that are today attracting students from all over the country. Not only do these programmes save time but also money, giving students real value for their money.”


• Amity University

• Jaipur National University

• Sir Padampad Singhania University

• Jagannath University

• IIS university

• Suresh Gyan Vihar University

• Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University

• Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University

• NIMS University
(Indicative Listing)


• Ayurveda,

• Physiotherapy

• Hotel management

• Architecture

• Interior design

• Physical education

• Paramedical sciences

• Nano science

• International business

• Travel and tourism

• Family business and entrepreneurship

• Vedic astrology

• Human rights

• Geographical cartography

• Acting and choreography

• Counselling

• Meditation

• Yoga and naturopathy

• Radiology and imaging technology

• Museology and heritage 
(Indicative Listing)

Sunil Sharma

World forum to highlight entrepreneur's role in society

 World forum to highlight entrepreneur's role in society

THE EMLYON Business School in France, which prides itself on educating entrepreneurs for the world, is hosting the first-ever World Entrepreneurship Forum (WEF) with KPMG. Elaborating on the goal of the forum, Tugrul Atamer, dean of faculty, EMLYON Business School, said: “The forum is the first international think-tank dedicated to entrepreneurs and their role in society. We want to promote a vision of the entrepreneur as a creator of economic wealth and social justice.”
   The forum will be held in Evian, France, under the patronage of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, from November 13-15. American B-School Babson College has joined the two founding partners in organising the forum, which will bring together entrepreneurs, educators and policy-makers from across the world to share ideas.
   “We have formed a scientific committee, comprising international experts, to identify issues that would be discussed through workshops during the forum. The objective is to create influence and put pressure on decision-makers, besides disseminating ideas and values, which would encourage educators. We are optimistic that the event will become an annual gathering for global entrepreneurs, being an independent forum for research, meetings and debate,” said Atamer.
   In these uncertain economic times, the role of an entrepreneur will assume even greater significance. “Entrepreneurs work in three business environments across the world — co-ordinated market economy, free market economy and network-based economy. But, they all need to possess some core skills such as tolerance to uncertainty, optimism, clarity in vision, creativity, motivation; they should be able to identify opportunities even when things are bleak,” added Atamer.
   A Junior World Entrepreneurship Forum was held in Shanghai in July 2008, in which 60 students from across the world came together to express their vision on entrepreneurship of the future. Their report will provide inputs for debate at the WEF. The three key questions that would be addressed are: How can we better train entrepreneurs of the future? How can we create a more favourable environment? How can we better understand and assess the action of entrepreneurs?
   The recommendations from the forum will be included in a white paper, like a guide to reform and will also be disseminated through blogs, conferences, publications, and so on. During the forum, an ‘Entrepreneur for the World’ prize will also be awarded to recognise both the entrepreneurial attitude and social commitment of a distinguished personality from the global stage. The event’s founders, EMLYON Business School and KPMG, are keen to continue to promote entrepreneurs as key players in tomorrow’s world beyond the scope of the forum.


E & C Counselling..Printing Technology, Ceramic Engineering, HOW TO HANDLE DEPRESSION AFTER FAILURE IN EXAM, Study CA while studying Economics

Career Counseling
I want to pursue a career in printing technology. What are the future prospects, scope and market in this area? Will I be able to travel abroad if I pursue printing technology? Will it be a good choice even though there is a traditional bias for core engineering streams?

   Salil Chauhan

Printing technology has undergone a sea change in recent years with the introduction of computerised high-precision machinery and digital printing. The wonderful thing is that much of the latest global technology is now easily available in India thanks to the welcome reduction in import duty. Modern printing presses now offer state-of-the-art high-speed delivery and international quality material. They are now recruiting bright students who have knowledge of technology, software and design concepts to man their operations. Combining art and technology, courses in printing technology combine many branches of engineering covering electrical, electronics, mechanical, computers and management into one. Printing is a growing industry thanks to the expanding education, library and advertising sectors.
   India is perhaps the only country with over 50,000 registered publications (and counting). All this translates into job opportunities for fresh and seasoned printing technologists. Since the volume of printed information doubles every five years, one doesn’t need a crystal ball to see that printing does indeed have a good future. Engineers having a degree start their career as graduate engineer trainees and move to assistant manager, deputy manager, manager and finally general manager. Like all industries, growth opportunities are based on, one’s skills and performance. The more skillful you are as a technician or manager, the more responsibility will you assume through practice and further training. 

Does a career in ceramic engineering have a good future? I cleared the ISC exams this year and also the WBJEE. I have an interest in IT although some of my teachers are advising against it.

   Nirudh Roy

With new developments in technology, ceramics engineers and scientists have acquired a better understanding of the uses of clay and other earthen substances. A whole lot of industries now depend on ceramics materials — bricks, cement, tile, sanitary ware, pipe and glass industries in the construction sector, the glassware, pottery, spark plugs industries in the consumer goods sector; refractory materials, electrical insulators, cutting tools, and bearings manufactured in industries dealing with industrial products such as diodes, capacitors, magnetic materials and computer memory packages in the electronics sector and high temperature tile insulation and composite materials in space technology, ceramics spark plugs used in aerospace industry and nuclear fuel rods for the nuclear industry.
   Ceramic engineers work with highly advanced materials which are produced by complex chemical processes while ceramics artists and craftsmen use clay and sand for basic ceramics materials. Ceramic engineering deals with the study of the properties, manufacture, design and applications of ceramics elements in a wide range of consumer and industrial products ranging from table and sanitary ware to diodes and semi-conductors, irrigation pipes and construction material to components for nuclear and computer hardware, besides dentistry and a host of other applications. Ceramic engineers are involved in any of the following areas of work — research: to anticipate new applications for replacing existing products; design: the key challenge lies in reducing costs while making the product safe, attractive and convenient to use. Ceramic designers work in industries manufacturing tableware, light fittings, pottery, sanitary ware, decorative porcelain and industrial material; production: Since ceramics have such diverse uses, ceramics technologists generally specialise in the technological developments of specific production processes e.g. glass in manufacturing tableware, fibre optics, bulbs, windowpanes and electronics ancillaries. Specialists in structural clay are involved in manufacting enamelled articles and pipes, engine parts, tools, artificial limbs or cement used in construction or ceramic ware such as tiles, pottery and bathroom and kitchen fixtures.
   Manufacturing integrated circuits, sensors for the electronics sector is another highly demanding specialisation; sales: ceramics engineers also work in sales to understand customer needs to guide further research. Since ceramics technology caters to industrial customers, you will interact with engineers from other industries. As for IT jobs, these are open to engineers across disciplines regardless of their area of specialisation. IT companies pick up graduate engineers and train them on software development etc as per their requirement. 

I have not been able to clear the CBSE class XII exams because I did not prepare well enough. I am feeling depressed and embarrassed at letting my parents down. How do I face the world?

   Pulak De

A single exam doesn’t (and can’t) determine your academic destiny. Exam phobia and the overarching emphasis on rote learning takes its toll year after year. I’m convinced that Board results are not always a true reflection of a student’s abilities. At times, marks can be very unpredictable. While good marks are important and do give you an edge when it comes to college admission, they’re no guarantee for success in life. Even a difference of .1% affects the fate of 50-60 students.
   The slide affects 500 students. Hence, subject riders are at times reduced by 2-3% if the overall results in the subject are poor. Then, sometimes our academic expectations exceed our capability. This leads to a sense of dejection and failure when we don’t fare well. The thought that we’ve let our parents and teachers down further dents our self-esteem. But don’t let that trouble you unduly. Assure them you’ll make a concerted effort to improve your scores and performance. Similarly, a bad result is not the end of the road. Instead of letting it discourage you, it should make you all the more determined to succeed. Accept it gracefully, learn from the mistakes and move on. Above all, believe in yourself. History is replete with instances of those who refused to get cowed down by temporary failure including Einstein (who failed several hundred times) before they finally succeeded. Remember what Edmund Hillary said after climbing Mt Everest: “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” And, I’m sure you are aware that anyone who has failed in the CBSE All India Senior School Certificate Exam can reappear for a subsequent exam as a private
candidate. The syllabus and textbooks are those prescribed for the year in which you reappear.
   Ignou offers a six-month Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme for those who have not completed their +2 but are 18 and above so that they can pursue a Bachelor’s degree. Better still, you won’t even waste a year if you enrol with the National Open School, in which case you can transfer your credits for up to two subjects which you have cleared and appear for the rest in November this year. So learn from the situation and move ahead. 

Study CA  while studying Economics

Could you tell me if while studying economics, I can study CA as well?


As far as eligibility for CA goes, the ICAI only stipulates class XII subjects and your ability to clear the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) after which, whether you pursue economics or BCom in college makes little difference. While a degree in commerce such as BCom is considered more compatible because of the commonality of several subjects in both fields, economics is not exactly ‘incompatible.’ In fact, the CA programme also incorporates an understanding of this social science. After all, in an increasingly globalised world order with newer business risks stemming from inflation, currency fluctuations, inflation, interest rates, regulatory risks, foreign markets and the WTO, an understanding of the current economic situation is necessary for planning strategy and operations based on forecasts arrived at by researching market factors such as price, demand and sales, labour and productivity, raw materials, equipment, etc. Your choice between economics and commerce would then be made taking into account other factors — comfort with the subject and topics covered in the three-year course, future prospects, choice of college, etc. Do also keep in mind the study and articleship requirements of the CA programme alongside those of your regular undergraduate course.

Counseling for careers in Space Sciences, post retirement and Career Tips

Career Counseling

Options open

Students Corner: By Sunil Sharma, Moderator: Dil se Desi Group, Click to Join.

I have got an average score in class XII (64%). I’ve always dreamt of studying in the US. Will I be accepted in an US college for an undergraduate programme with such average scores?
Deepak .

As long as you cleared all the required subjects for admission to a college in the US, you can get into an average college straight out of high school even with not-so-great scores. It also helps to have extracurricular activities. I suggest you try for a good two-year community college. Besides being considerably less expensive than regular colleges and universities (in CA a college unit is US$ 20, while a four-year college costs around US$ 360 per-unit). And the low cost doesn’t imply low quality education either. Moreover, many of them don’t even ask for SAT scores. These colleges award associate degrees at the completion of two years of full-time study. You may perhaps be surprised to learn that community colleges enrol almost half of all undergraduates in the US. A great variety of subjects are offered in these colleges. And once you have a few credits under your belt, you are a transfer student. Then you can go to any college that will accept your college grades.

Find yourself
What careers will be open to me after doing a BA programme from DU? I do not qualify for an any honours course with my percentage. Please guide me.
   Reena Shanger

First of all, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, start asking the right question, ‘what career will be good for you?’ To succeed and be happy at work, you must work out of passion. One of the worst things — in terms of careers — is to wake up in the morning and say, ‘I have to go to work.’ Such kind of an attitude is not good for your employer and it is certainly not good for you. Employers want their employees coming to work energised, charged and working out of enthusiasm and passion. They don’t want them to drag themselves in because it’s Monday and scooting out of the door because it’s Friday.
   But finding your passion isn’t always so simple. Still, the worst thing you can do is to your education because you feel you don’t know what you want to do. In the beginning, you can take what I will call the safe courses. Every programme requires English, general or specific electives, social science, etc that will apply to any curriculum. Put your foot in the door and just do it. Now, while you’re there, make an appointment with a good career counsellor. These are people who are trained or specialised in helping you develop your career goals. They will interview you, give you an interest test, discuss options, etc. Once you come to a decision that you feel is appropriate for you, start contacting people who are working in the field you think you’re interested in. Ask them if you can shadow them for a day so that you can get a better feel of the day-to-day operations. Ask them how they feel about their work, the ups and the downs etc. Usually people are open to discussing their trails and tribulations, failures, and successes within their field of expertise.
   However, be warned. Don’t speak with just one individual, because they may have an opinion that’s either too negatively or positively skewed. Get a variety of perspectives. Sooner or later you’ll find it. Just don’t panic and rush.
   One last thing: there are dream stealers out there. Sadly, people who are the first ones to steal your dreams away are those who love you the most, and these include your family and friends. They may say things like, ‘Why do you want to do that? Are you crazy?’ They may say hurtful things like, ‘Oh, you can’t do that.’ They may even try to push you in a different direction. This is not because they don’t love you, but they may be worried, or, in fear for you. They may be afraid that you’re making a mistake.
   Remember this, the only way an individual can steal your dreams away, is if you let them. Just make sure you have an appropriate counsellor, mentor or coach, and do your research. It’s going to be ok.

Space science
Students Corner: By Sunil Sharma, Moderator: Dil se Desi Group, Click to Join.

What kind of courses does one need to pursue to specialise in space sciences?

Space science is an umbrella term that covers all the scientific fields that are concerned with the study of the universe (excluding the earth and its atmosphere). Originally, all these fields were considered part of astronomy. However, in recent years the major sub-fields within astronomy, such as astrophysics, have grown so large that they’re now considered separate fields on their own. There are eight overall categories that can generally be described on their own — astrophysics, galactic science, stellar science, non-earth planetary science, biology of other planets, astronautics /space travel, space colonisation and space defence.
   However, space science should not be confused with space research and space exploration.
   The former relates to scientific studies carried out by using scientific equipment in space. Frequently, the term includes research in the upper atmosphere using sounding rockets and highaltitude balloons. While space exploration involves a great deal of space research, it additionally uses space technology to broaden its spectrum of research including earth science and materials science in its ambit.
   Understandably therefore, some of the varied academic programmes that produce space scientists are astrophysics, aerospace engineering and astronomy, remote sensing, GIS, satellite meteorology and global climate, atmospheric sciences and satellite communication.
   Some institutes offering these courses are, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun, the Centre for Space Science & Technology Education in the Asia Pacific region (CSSTE-AP), affiliated to UN established at Dehradun conducts courses on remote sensing and GIS, satellite meteorology and global climate, atmospheric sciences, satellite communication and space sciences.

Students Corner: By Sunil Sharma, Moderator: Dil se Desi Group, Click to Join.

My father is a civil servant in Uttarakhand and will be retiring after two years. Can you tell me what kind of jobs options can he look for after his service is over?
   Prakash Mehra

Your concern is so touching. Senior IAS officers, like your father, no longer need to look for part-time government assignments post-retirement. Nor do they have to hunt for publishing houses to turn authors. Many former IAS officers have landed up with remarkable jobs post retirement. Such officers are joining organisations like Hyundai India, India Infrastructure Initiative (a joint venture between IFDC and Feedback Ventures), CII, TERI, etc.
   According to government rules, retired bureaucrats can take up a private sector job within one year of their retirement only after the government
investigates various aspects including whether the officers in the last three years of their career had any dealing with the concerned company. These officers get involved in assignments like urban development, transport, capacity building for infrastructure projects etc.
   They are hired at senior levels such as president, senior advisers and paid compensation as high as Rs 2 crore. So your father is likely to have good prospects even after his retirement.