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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Job in Call Center

Students work, for fun and funds

THE growth of call centres has brought along a unique work culture in India — a mix of night shifts and a remarkably young employee base. Today, many call centres offer 'part-time shifts' to facilitate work opportunities for students. In general, these jobs have become fairly popular among students due to the lucrative salaries attached to them. And despite its shortcomings, the call-centre culture is here to stay. Shikha Tara, alumnus, Delhi School of Economics, believes that call centre jobs are the main reason for middle-class girls to be able to venture out at night. Tapasya Sharma, who has taken a break from her studies and working in a call centre in Gurgaon, adds: "For me the job is only temporary. I like the night shifts as it gives me time to study."


Regardless of whether or not students pay heed to them, drawbacks to a call-centre job still exist. Since the work is mostly at night, workplace-related stress are taking their toll on many youngsters. Dhriti, student, School of Open Learning (SOL), Delhi University, discovered that the she had low blood pressure and the long commutation hours only added to her worries. She eventually had to quit her job. Stringent leave structure and added incentives for working on public holidays have further narrowed the scope of social life beyond the call centres. Snigdha, another student at SOL, admits that she does not meet her parents for many days because of night shifts.

However, students are yet to give up on their 'lucrative' jobs. They do not mind the impact on their social life so long as the job allows them to befriend people from various walks of life that they otherwise would not have access to.

Jagriti Singh, student, SOL, says that her job has taken her to places that was not aware of "As part of team parties I got the chance to visit places where my family would have never taken me. I had never visited a pub earlier and visiting it with my team was an experience in itself."

Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group

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