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Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Counsellor - 15

Legal issue 

I am pursuing CA. As per the new rules I cannot enrol in any other regular course. So please suggest some good law colleges which offer LLB through correspondence. 
   Harish Gaur


No university offers a full-fledged three-year LLB through correspondence. However, the following law courses can be done through correspondence: 


   Annamalai University, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalinagar 608002 offers course in bachelor of academic laws (three years) and a two-year Bachelor of general laws (two year) 


   Guru Nanak Dev University, Centre or Distance Education, Amritsar (Punjab) offers two-year LLB (Acad).You need to have a Bachelor's degree with 50% marks to enrol in the course 


   Guru Jhambeshwar University, Hisar (Haryana) 


   University of Jammu, Directorate of Distance Education, New Campus, Jammu 180006 offers three-year LLB (Acad) 


   Kakatiya University, School of Distance Learning and Continuing Education, Warangal 506009 offers a Bachelor of general laws (two years). 


   Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 


   University of Kashmir, Department of Distance Education, Hazratbal Srinagar 190006, offers two-year LLB (Acad).You need to have a Bachelor's degree with minimum 40% marks, 


   Madurai Kamraj University, Directorate of Distance Education, Palkalainagar, Madurai 625021 offers two-year Bachelor of general law course 


   Unfortunately, due to statutory requirements, these courses are not recognised by the Bar Council of India and you will not be able to practice in a Court of Law after doing these courses. Of course the knowledge of law will always prove useful in any field.


Looking ahead 

I had to take voluntary retirement from the Army because of some health problem. I wish to take up a private job. Is there any way by which I can find a viable second career? Please advise. 
   Capt. Mehta


Armed Forces personnel are valued for their integrity,efficiency,sense of discipline, commitment and responsibility in the private sector where they do well in jobs ranging from security, facility management, and administration to training, logistics and personnel management among others. 


   Their excellent leadership qualities and communication skills enable them to integrate well within the organisational structure. Besides being more honest and open, they are also team players. 


   Since you have not mentioned your specific rank or other qualifications, I suggest you take stock of your skills, talent and interest and try matching your profile with the requirement of jobs in civvy-street to find a second career that's just right for you. 


   The Indian Army has an erecruitment portal for its exservicemen,, which serves as a common platform for exservicemen and employers. The portal has separate sections for job hunters as well as potential employers and registration is free. 


   And should you require it, the website will also help you prepare your resume, get interview tips and negotiate salaries. 


   If you wish to augment your managerial capability, there is an array of courses - short and longterm offered by prestigious Bschools like the Indian Institutes of Management (Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore), XLRI, MDI, IIT-D, NMIMS, MDI and Symbiosis to name a few. 


   Besides helping officers handle the business operations of the armed forces (e.g. logistics, supply chain management and project management), these courses open up a host of career opportunities for defence personnel like you who wish to get back to civvy-street by equipping you with additional management skills and business savvy to face the challenges of the corporate world.


Which way 

I am a final year student of BA (Hindi). My friends say there is hardly any scope for Hindi students. I feel disheartened because my English is not very good. 
   Kokila Juneja


Forgive your friends, for they know not what they speak! In fact, Hindi is becoming a popular subject at the college level, even in prestigious campuses like Delhi University. You could either teach in a school after doing your BEd or join the print or electronic media as a journalist, web content creator, announcer, newsreader, anchorperson or scriptwriter or travel guide. 


   The proliferation of the media - 100+ TV channels and soon 300+ FM stations - has spawned the need for youngsters who can communicate with style, ease and competence in Hindi (preferably bilingual). 


  If you have a way with words, you could also become a copywriter in an advertising agency, technical writer, public relations executive or join the tourism industry. Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Viswavidyalaya, Wardha (a Central University) offers a postgraduate diploma in cultural tourism management. Details are available on 


   An additional course in PR, journalism, advertising or mass communication would give you the necessary professional edge. 


   Familiarity with another language can open up avenues in translation amongst others. Several universities offer one-year diploma courses in translation for graduates. 


   Hindi translators are recruited by various government departments including the ministry of Home Affairs and ministry of external Affairs. 


   Institutions like the National Book Trust, the Bharatiya Gyanpeeth, the Sahitya Akademi, the Sangeet-Natya Akademi, the Central Hindi Directorate, the National School of Drama and the Bureau of Translation also support talented and upcoming translators. 


They are also required in foreign embassies, banks, print and electronic media, theatre, film industry, advertising and PR and travel agencies, MNCs, etc. 


The typical eligibility required is a Master's degree in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a compulsory subject and as an elective subject at the Bachelor's level or a Bachelor's degree with Hindi and English as the main subject. 


There is also a large requirement for people who can do DTP work in Hindi. Knowledge of computers and good typing skills would be very helpful in this area. Domestic call centres, particularly in the North, also require people with good spoken Hindi. 


Hindi being our national language, there are several jobs at the clerical level and for typists and stenographers in banks and government offices. 


You can also opt for teaching at the higher level there are a lot of universities and colleges perpetually short of faculty. 


And if that's not enough, there is a need for Hindi language teachers even in the US!



Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group


Holistic Approach in Education


Lessons for the Soul





IT is all about sharper mental faculties, reduced stress levels, increased intelligence, clarity, creativity, inner peace, a healthier mind and body, increased self-confidence and self-empowerment. It is not only adults but children as well who need to ‘de-stress’ themselves in this increasingly competitive world, hence most schools are now adopting a holistic approach to education. 


   Nilam Sharma, head (junior programme), Heritage School, Gurgaon, says that learning doesn’t necessarily happen at their Yoga Centre alone, rather is integrated in their classrooms. She elaborates:“A day at our school begins with a 45-minute sports activity followed by a glass of juice. Once students settle down, they meditate for five to 10 minutes listening to shlokas or mantras before they start studying.” 


   An important aspect of yoga is that it helps children learn to control their senses, feels Veena Dhyani, counsellor, Cambridge School, Noida. She says:“It is important for children to learn to control their senses and with yoga, it is found that there is an increased self control among students.” She adds that it also helps in controlling anger, in decision-making and de-stressing. 


   The Planetary Peace Movement Trust, for instance, is actively engaged in introducing meditation in schools, organisations and groups, which can be learnt and practiced in only 15 minutes to accrue a lifetime of benefits.This involves physical exercises, deep abdominal breathing, activating the heart by smiling, releasing excess energy and chanting of Om among other things. Similarly, Superbrain Yoga is a simple three-minute exercise that helps redistribute a body’s energy flow to help supercharge the brain, based on principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. 



Pilot studies on the effects of Superbrain Yoga on differently-abled children showed significant increase in academic and behavioural performance, greater class participation and improved social skills. Says Geet Oberoi, founder-director, Orkids:“This is very helpful for special children as it helps increase focus and concentration and consequently, there is an increased attention span, they follow instructions well and complete their tasks in time.” 


A day at Mirambika, situated at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi, begins with an hour of sports activity everyday. Children and their diyas (teachers) are responsible for dusting, mopping, tidying and beautifying their spaces. There is short meditation so that they can connect their inner selves with their outer selves, to set the pace for the day. 


   This is followed by project time which involves a lot of experimenting, searching, calculating, developing, inventing, exploring, creating, reading, writing and so on. Further, training time is devoted to subject-specific learning. Next comes home sessions meant for generating togetherness, openness and trust. The day ends with concentrating and being silent for a few minutes, to go within, integrating experiences of the day. Lastly, they have a glass of juice with snacks before leaving for home. 


   Similarly, at Shikshantar, the curriculum is inspired by an interdisciplinary understanding of philosophy, psychology, human development and education.The school follows the principles of integrated education that enables students to make connections between the development of their physical, emotional, mental, social and inner selves. 


   Likewise, Rishi Valley Education Centre reflects J Krishnamurti’s philosophy of education that aims to educate students in a way that they are able to explore both - the outside world and their inner being. Informs A Kumaraswamy, the principal: “Teachers take special care in sustaining close relationships with children, attempting to keep connected with the growing ‘inner life’ of individuals as well as the changing patterns in peer relationships.”




Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group


Management Studies in Asia



   While management studies continue to be a popular trend among Indian students, the destinations where one can acquire a management degree are multiplying by the day. Today, besides the much-sought-after B-Schools in the US and the UK, countries such as Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong too, are becoming favoured destinations for aspiring management graduates,with an increasing number of reputed institutes setting up their campuses in these countries. 
   According to Kiran Bhandari,area director (southern India, Sri Lanka and Maldives), Singapore Tourism Board, "In 2007, there were over 86,000 students of 120 nationalities in Singapore,an increase of 7.5% over the preceding year.India today,contributes the fourth largest number of international students in Singapore." Swati Salunkhe of Growth Centre, a Mumbai-based career-counselling centre,says,"Many Indian and international institutes of repute have opened campuses in Singapore and Dubai that ensure quality management degrees recognised both locally and nationally." Besides, the Hong Kong University (HKU) is also gaining considerable recognition for pursuing a management degree, albeit at a slow pace. 


According to study abroad counsellor, Karan Gupta, in order to gain admission to HKU, one needs to have at least three years of full-time work experience, along with an excellent GMAT score (generally above 650) and a good percentage (first class) at the Bachelor's level. B-Schools in Singapore generally follow the requirement criteria adopted by other institutes across the world. "However, entry requirements vary from institute to institute and from course to course," explains Bhandari."Universities consider various factors such as past academic record, standardised test scores, extracurricular activities,essays and so on.One needs a good profile, with a great GMAT/ CAT score and two years of work experience, says Salunkhe. Though the eligibility criteria for every school may vary, most institutes require students to appear for GMAT and TOEFL/ IELTS. 

   Commencement of the admission process also varies. Terms for business and management courses begin between June and August. Application deadlines for the intakes are between February and April. 
According to Gupta, "The costs of pursuing a management degree in Singapore and Dubai are not very low, when compared to schools in the US. In fact, in some cases, it may almost be the same." However, if one considers the cost of living, along with the tuition fees, then the entire cost of pursuing a management degree in Singapore or Dubai decreases significantly. "In the US, the average cost is between Rs 20 to Rs 30 lakh, depending upon the state and university. For a degree from Singapore or Dubai, this could vary between Rs six to Rs 12 lakh," elaborates Salunkhe. Concurs Bhandari, "Tuition fees in Singapore have remained affordable. The cost of living in Singapore is significantly lower than that of many developed countries, making Singapore an affordable option for international students." Kislay Pandey, who is pursuing her MBA at National University of Singapore Business School, says, "I considered pursuing an MBA from US B-Schools. But the expenses were steep and I had a tight budget.Besides, rather than pursuing an MBA at a US school ranked between positions 20 to 30, it made sense to study from a higher ranked one in Asia." Gaurav Dasgupta,who is planning to pursue a management course from HKU, adds, "The cost worked out 50% less than a US degree, with great quality of education." 


So, does obtaining a management degree from Singapore make more sense? "Students should compare individual universities and not countries. National University of Singapore (NUS) may be better than City University in the UK.However,studying in Oxford may be more advantageous than studying at NUS," informs Gupta. Says Bhandari, "Singapore is acknowledged as a global business hub and is home to more than 7000 MNCs and 1,00,000 dynamic SMEs in businesses ranging from hotel and tourism, banking, new media to design and technology. This gives students tremendous career and networking opportunities post their education." Also, for students who want to work in India after completing their Master's abroad, a Singapore degree gives knowledge relevant to the Asia Pacific region. However, according to Gupta, while an MBA from NUS or INSEAD in Singapore has good job prospects, Dubai and Hong Kong are yet to catch up. "Dubai is a relatively new destination for MBA aspirants. Most schools are yet to make their mark.Also,employers in India are still not very confident of employing graduates from HKU, as they prefer students with US and European MBA degrees. However, this is fast changing," he explains. Another factor to be kept in mind, when considering a management degree from HKU is that knowing Mandarin is necessary, though not mandatory. This at times causes a language problem for Indian students. 

   Finally, most Asian institutes offer campus recruitments, as is the norm. However, individual skill sets and knowledge give one the upper edge. "Most organisations will not accept even students who have a foreign degree, unless they prove their worth. The university and the student's performance in the course are crucial factors for employment," concludes Salunkhe. 


Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) PSB Academy's School of Business Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) 


SP Jain XLRI and the IIMs are setting up campuses London School of Economics University of Wollongong London Business School 


HKU was recently rated as the 20 th best B-School worldwide The MBA programme has a tie up with London Business School and Columbia Business School, so a HKU pass out becomes an alumnus of one of the top five B-Schools PUBLIC BUSINESS SCHOOLS IN SINGAPORE The Nanyang Business School (NBS) The National University of Singapore Business School Singapore Management University (SMU) 


ESSEC, France, one of France's top-tier B-School INSEAD, France S P Jain Institute of Management University of Chicago Gradate School of Business, USA



Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Career in Clinical Trials




A GROWING demand for clinical trial professionals has led to an increasing number of institutions offering academic programmes in the same. Delhi, at present, has over 15 hospitals, medical colleges and institutions conducting clinical trials. 

   According to the Planning Commission, India gets 139 clinical trials as against 98 for China. The market value of clinical trials outsourced to India was estimated at nearly $300 million in 2006. Besides, according to a McKinsey report, by 2010 global pharma majors would spend around $1-1.5 billion just for drug trials in India. The report further estimates that the profession will create a demand for nearly 5,00,000 professionals in India. 

   To meet this demand, Apollo Hospitals Research and Education Foundation (AHERF), Delhi, has initiated a joint venture with the government regulatory body and drug industry to launch a certificate course in clinical research.The course would highlight all aspects of drug development from discovery to human use to post marketing surveillance.
   According to Ranjit Roy Chaudhury, chairman (management), Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi: "India would be the hub for clinical trials of new drugs and many companies would be investing here. At present, we lack specialised people in this area and if we don't act now we would miss a valuable opportunity." 

   The foundation will offer an 18-month course from Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai, offering 20 seats in each city. It would launch the course in Delhi's Apollo Hospital from July this year, and from January 2009 in Hyderabad and Chennai. The first six months of the programme will revolve around full-time classroom teaching and will be followed by a 12-month internship at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. 

   Initially, AHERF will offer a certificate programme and then look to upgrade the same to a diploma. "We are discussing our case with the University of Cincinnati, US.We aim to train at least 300 experts in clinical trials within the next five years," said Chaudhury. 

   Meanwhile, Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (VIMHANS), Delhi, and RNIS College of Clinical Research and Allied Sciences recently entered into an understanding to provide practical training to students of clinical research programmes. VIMHANS Hospital has been conducting clinical trials approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US, since the last four years. 

   According to Dr Shamsher Dwivedee, senior consultant, VIMHANS: "The tie-up would offer students of clinical trials a global exposure. At present we have eight projects from which students can benefit." Clinical research involves both classroom teaching and hands-on training. The students of RNIS would, now, receive hands-on training at VIMHANS



Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group


Career in Finance


Lucrative careers in the field of finance

THE gap between the demand and supply of high-end skills in the area of finance is not only an actually-felt gap, it is also growing over time. Indian School of Business & Finance (ISBF) based in Delhi, is making an attempt to create an attractive opportunity for graduates by providing them training for exciting and lucrative career in the field of investment banking and financial markets. On offer at ISBF is a one-year diploma for graduates in finance awarded by the University of London in association with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). 
   The University of London diploma in finance consists of four modules covering investment management,valuation and securities analysis, corporate finance and elements of econometrics. The course, designed by LSE, is taught by experienced faculty at ISBF. The academics who teach and assess students at the LSE campus and other colleges of the University of London not only develop the study material for these different modules in the course taught at ISBF but also set the examination papers and evaluate the scripts in London. As these courses are offered globally, the standards of the course are necessarily high and globally acceptable. 
   In order to ensure that students doing this diploma for graduates awarded by the University of London, have a strong foundation. ISBF is also offering a comprehensive curriculum in finance and awarding a one-year full time post graduate diploma inclusive of the University of London "graduate diploma". The course structure for the ISBF postgraduate diploma also includes economics for financial markets, quantitative methods for finance, introduction to financial accounting and international finance. This makes the course broadbased and comprehensive even for graduates with science & mathematics background apart from graduates with commerce and economics.The participants will have to apply their knowledge to real-life problems in the form of a project report prepared under the supervision and guidance of their academic and industry mentors. 
   The ISBF programme provides an edge over the traditional finance-related MBA (PGDBM) programmes of various B-schools, which largely concentrate on accounting and banking aspects,but lack the analytical rigour required in the area of financial research. 
   ISBF post graduate diploma holders will be highly sought after by international investments banks across a wide range of areas in corporate finance, equity research, fund management, and management consultancy. They would also have a unique opportunity to pursue a one-year MSc degree in Finance from LSE or any other leading university around the world. 
   Besides the diploma in finance, ISBF has an established Centre For Financial Planning. The centre offers a one-year full-time postgraduate diploma in wealth management incorporating a globally recognised certification. The current batch of postgraduate diploma in wealth management, have been successfully placed in respected financial sector organisations like HSBC Bank, HDFC Mutual Fund, Deutsche Bank, Kotak Bank, MF Global, JM Financial and many others in their wealth management/client advisory division. The director of ISBF Jitin Chadha says, "We have had an unprecedented response from the industry, our batch of 30 students were placed within a month, most of the students had two to three job offers from various banks and other financial institutions." 
   The bouquet of educational courses on Business and Finance offered at the ISBF also includes highly prestigious undergraduate courses in economics, banking & finance management as well as economics & management from the University of London in association with LSE.These courses have already carved out a niche for the discerning who look for courses full of content as well as utility in real life.These degrees are recognised now as equivalent to honours degrees of the University of Delhi. 
   To find out more about ISBF visit




Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group


Career in Information Security

Network Policing


The opportunities in information security

   With an increasing number of internet users and web-based transactions, our virtual world is prone to real threats, which include a number of cyber crimes. 


   As we are in the phase of digitising all our information to create a paperless environment, safety of our mailbox, passwords, ATM pin and credit cards, among others, are a major concern. In fact, the turnover of internet hacking in the US surpassed drug trafficking last year. And this has become an organised crime, which spare none. And therein lies the next big career option of securing digitised information. 


Wherever IT is present there will be a need for security, as in the case for any sector now. According to a Nasscom prediction, in 2008 India would require 1.88 lakh professionals to secure our networks. According to another report, information security industry in the non-product segment is $45,000. 


In the telecom sector --- BPO, banking and finance, among others, there are positions open from information security administrator, security auditors to information security managers, security compliance officers. The entry-level information security administrator or security auditors conduct penetration testing to find security flaws in the organisation. Information security managers would manage auditors and implement projects. Security compliance officer ensures that compliance is maintained on people process technology. Head of security operations is responsible for the entire operations. 


   Information security companies also hire security auditors and security consultants at the entrylevel. In the senior-level, they offer opportunities to security managers and project managers. There are special positions too like forensic or cyber crime investigators. Their job is to figure out how, why and who are responsible for hacking and cyber crimes. They also work with law enforcing agencies in solving cyber crimes. 


At the entry-level, recruiters look for certified networking professionals. However, fresh graduates of electronics,computers and information technology engineering, MCA and BSc in IT are also eligible. They undergo in-house training in networking. At the senior-level, CISCO, Microsoft and Appin network certified professionals are offered positions as information security managers and security consultants. For senior positions like security managers, four years of experience is required. Candidates with MBA in IT are given preference. And for cyber crime investigators, aspirants need to have completed a Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator course. 


   Some specific qualities a recruiter would look for are good communication skills, ability to implement and deliver and strong project management skills. Compensation security is a niche area in the IT sector and enjoys a higher pay scale. 


   And if we move out of India the pay package increases. Important markets for security sector are India, China, US, UK, Australia and Middle East. 


   At the entry-level, a network auditor would start with Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 per month. And for information security managers, it ranges from Rs 25,000 to Rs 30,000 per month and may go higher depending on the company. A security compliance officer can earn anything between Rs 45,000 to Rs 50,000 per month.



Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Civil Services Mains-2008








   The Civil Services main exams will be commencing from October 17, 2008. This announcement is brewing anxiety in the minds of most aspirants. They are trying to figure answers to one basic question, "how to write a good answer" or put more simply "how to please the examiner". I have always told my students that the examiner is a man in hurry. So if you make his life easy, he will make your life easy. 

   At the outset I would like to mention that confidence is what will stand you in good stead and hence it is very important that you tackle a question paper with utmost confidence. Have faith in your preparation, memory, and your ability to recall what you have read. 

   Further you should break a question into sub parts. This will aid in a much clearer comprehension of the question. My first suggestion hence to the students is to read each question two or three times with a cool head and then decide what are the requirements of the question by giving a fair interpretation to each word used in the question. For doing this the question should be treated as a single inquiry and not as a collection of inquiries. Though at times a question may require you to focus on more than one aspect of a theme. 

   Subsequent to the decision about the broad nature of the main inquiry contained in a question, students should split the question into its basic components, as almost every question would have two or three components. After deciding upon the components, students should give these components an order or sequence. This is necessary since on a plain reading of a question, students mostly don't find the components and their relation to each other laid out in a neat manner. When deciding the exact requirements of a question it is essential that you clearly understand the difference in the meaning of such terms as; discuss, critically examine, elucidate, comment, review etc. 

   Here are some tips, which you can employ while answering questions. 

 Analyse- You have to separate the basic constituents of the statement made in the question and state as to how they are related to each other. 

   Account for - Here you are required to chiefly give reasons, causes, bases on which a statement is made. 

   Compare - Here you have to show relative merits and demerits of an issue involved or to hint at the similarities and the dissimilarities in two propositions. 

   Contrast - You have to emphasise on the differences involved in a proposition by examining the relative merits of an idea. 

   Define - You have to set forth the contours of a debate by explaining the essential nature of the issues involved. 

   Describe - You have to give a simple explanation of the issues involved. 

   Discuss - You should present the different aspects of a question or problem in a proper sequential manner. 

   Critically discuss - For this you should present the different aspects of the problem in a critical manner and finally arrive at a conclusion. 

   Examine - You should state the pros and cons of an issue or proposition. 

   Evaluate - Here you should examine all the aspects of the proposition embedded in the question and reach a conclusion. 

   In addition to adhering to the suggestions above, you should decide the "points" that you are going to mention in your answer. These "points" should be classified as "major" and "minor" points with major points coming in the beginning of the answer and minor points being used to finally supplement the thrust of the main argument. In short, all the points should appear in a logical sequence to prove the relevance of the material or arguments given by you. 

   Your answers should be crisp, and should be a statement of facts presented in simple prose without resorting to any devices of ornamentation or flowery use of language. You should refrain from the use of any quotations. 

   Don't use any type of highlighting techniques or methods like use of underlining, inverted commas, capital letters, different colours of ink; when not required by the situation. Such things may be all right in college or university exams but are considered improper and dowdy into this exam. In short, be yourself, you are the style. 

   Also you should desist the temptation to write everything that you happen to know on the subject, since this results in mis-management of time, leading to severe shortage while attempting the last one or two questions. In fact by being precise and economical in your answers and by not including any unrelated details, you actually help the examiner and make his task easier, which he would reward, generously at the end of your answer. 

   Finally the secret of writing a good answer is to reduce every sentence to its clear and essential component. Clear thinking becomes clear writing, one is not possible without the other. Nobody is a natural good writer of answers; it comes to everybody through hard-work. Hence you can also do it as well as anybody else can and win the battle of Civil Services. 



Sunil Sharma


Dil Se Desi Group



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