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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tips for an in-house Training in a Company after doing B.Tech?

Tips for an in-house Training in a Company after doing B.Tech? 

I will be completing my BTech in computer science this year. What should I keep in mind while going for an in-house training in a company? 

    Ajay Handa 

The pattern of in-house training varies considerably from organisation to organisation. While some firms rely on onthe-job techniques that involve learning while performing the function under the guidance of fellow employees; others prefer to take in qualified and experienced personnel. 

    In most medium and large software firms, the typical pattern of training involves an organisational orientation followed by short intensive modules in specific areas. Fresh programmers are generally taught programming languages and procedures, over a few months. This is followed by the application of such skills to an internal project, usually integrated into a closely supervised programming team. 

    Your progress will be closely monitored through a process of regular and detailed appraisals, often linked to salary progression. The length of the training can extend from six months to two years depending on the functional area and your role.
    After the initial training, career development is fairly rapid in most IT companies and end-users. In fact, some organisations have developed accelerated promotion and career development schemes to ensure retention of their key people. 

    As for your last question, no I don’t think it will be gruelling. Rigorous certainly, but also a great learning experience (many say, the real learning starts here). Look at it as an opportunity to put all your theoretical knowledge to practical use.

Understanding The Basics Of Speed Reading - Very important for students and professionals

Understanding The Basics Of Speed Reading

Speed reading is not just a parlor trick you can use to impress your friends and family. For many it’s a necessary tool for managing time and information in the fast-paced business world, and for many others, specifically students, it’s the only way to get through reading-heavy class loads.

The practiced speed reader can pick up a lengthy document or a thick stack of papers and use their skill to get at the meat of the subject by skimming for the most important details and information. Without developing the ability to speed read, this time-saving technique is merely flipping through pages fast.

Speed reading, or increasing the rate at which you read text, is linked to increasing the rate at which you understand what you’re reading. The key to successful speed reading is increasing your understanding of the text as you increase the rate at which you read the words. It takes training and practice, but don’t be intimidated by the idea of a challenge. Think of it as the next, natural step to your reading development. Once you’ve mastered it, it’s a skill that will stick with you for the rest of your life.

As a child, when you began to learn to read, chances are you began with the alphabet and the specific sounds each letter makes. Then you learned how to combine and blend letter sounds to decipher words. It’s called letter-by-letter reading. Then something clicked and you began to recognize words without having to sound out each letter one at a time and you graduated to word-by-word reading.

With continued practice common words and sentence structure became more familiar and because your brain was tuned and ready, your eye started taking in blocks of words at a time. The difference between average readers and speed readers is in the blocks of words their eyes take in at one time. The larger the blocks, the faster your eye moves through the text.

Speed reading teaches you how to take your reading and your comprehension to the next level. The techniques used in teaching speed reading focus on your individual abilities, namely where you are right now and what might be keeping you from progressing. For example, if you are a slow reader, factors that hold you back may include, but are not limited to, moving your lips or reading out loud or holding the text too close to your eyes.

If you are in the practice of moving your lips, or speaking or whispering while you read, you’re slowing yourself down dramatically. Your lips can only move so fast. You should be able to read at least two or three times faster than you can speak. In effect, you’re keeping yourself at that word-by-word stage that children generally grow out of in elementary school.

Having the ability to speed read can make a significant difference in your life, especially if reading is a strong component of your work. Implementing some simple techniques can get you reading faster and more efficiently in no time at all.
Speed reading is not just a parlor trick you can use to impress your friends and family. For many it’s a necessary tool for managing time and information in the fast-paced business world, and for many others, specifically students, it’s the only way to get through reading-heavy class loads. The practiced speed reader can pick up a lengthy document or a thick stack of papers and use their skill to get at the meat of the subject by skimming for the most important details and...
To receive your complete speed reading course with free bonuses. If you want more articles and information on speed reading visit MySpeedReading.Com.
Article Source: PositiveArticles.Com does not vouch for or necessarily endorse the contents of this article.

Career as a Family & Marriage Counsellor

Career as a Family & Marriage Counsellor

I have been a teacher for over a decade. Over the years, I have found that many of my friends and colleagues have turned to me for advice in solving their personal problems and I have been able to guide them properly. This leads me to think that I would make a good family or marriage counsellor. Could you tell me something about this field? Does one need to pursue a course? 

Urmila Tayal

A growing number of mental health professionals work in marriage and family counselling. Psychologists with a Master’s or higher degree in psychology/counselling evaluate and treat mental and emotional disorders, behavioural problems, and relationship issues within the context of the family. 
    Often, a patient seeing a psychologist individually, is referred to a marriage and family therapist when it’s determined that family dynamics and family life cycle issues such as the birth of a child, or the death or terminal illness of a family member or parent-child issues are contributing to a problem. 
    Parents and couples struggling to make family relationships work also benefit from this kind of therapy. With so many marriages falling apart, premarital counselling is becoming the need of the hour. 
    The therapist mostly sees couples and the whole family together, but may occasionally see individual family members as well. The idea is to help them find better ways to communicate. 
    These counsellors often come from the ranks of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, nurses, paramedics and teachers. Recognising how vital the family experience is to overall health and wellbeing, they seek additional training to specialise in this field. 
    A diploma, degree or certificate course in counselling would be a good starting point. 
    The course will teach you the skills of the counsellor’s art — how to resolve the problems that people face; how to set up your own counselling practice; how to win clients; how to handle the client’s problems, maintain documentation, etc. 
    However, before you decide on a career in this field, do make sure you possess all the attributes required of a good counsellor: 
• Infinite capacity to give each client a patient hearing 
• Empathy and ability to strike a rapport with your clients 
• A caring attitude that gives the client sufficient confidence to confide in you 
• The strength to view the problem objectively without being judgmental or getting personally overwrought or emotionally involved 
• Ability to communicate with people from all strata of society 
    You probably have some of the skills already. You’re probably a good listener. And people approach you with their problems, because they see you as a sympathetic person. 
    Now you can use those skills, overlaying them with professional counselling skills, to become a counsellor in your own right.